Monday, 7 January 2013

RTI POlice Vehicles

                                                               APPLICATION UNDER RTI ACT  


Subject  : Regarding Information of  Vehicles of ....................................Police

This with reference to the vehicles owned by  Police department of ................................district. Please provide me the following information under RTI act 2005 :---
1) Please provide me the details of 4 wheeler vehicles ( including Bus, Truck, Car,Gipsy & others like Riot Control Vehicles ) owned by ..............................Police ( including Police Line, all Police Stations, all offices of Police Department of .......................District ) with Model details, Registeration no. , Date of last     Insurance Certificate Issued   &   Pollution Certificate Issued. With the details of Policy no. , Name of Insurance Company  ,Amount of Premium Paid ,Date of Policy Issue, Details of Name & address of Pollution Checking Centre & date of Issue of Pollution Certificate . Please provide the certified copies of  Insurance Certificate Issued & Pollution Certificate Last issued / latest Issued.
2) Please provide the details of 2 wheeler Vehicles owned by Police of .....................District ( including all Poice Stations, Police Line,and all offices of Police Department  located in ..............................District) with details of  Model, Registeration No. , Date of issue of last Insurance Certificate with Policy no., Amount Paid for the vehicle Insurance, Name of Insurance company  and date of Issue of Last Pollution Certificate with name & Address of Pollution Checking Centre. Please provide me the certified copies of Last/ latest Insurance certificate issued & certified Copies of last/ latest  Pollution Certificate Issued.
3) Please provide me the certified copies of bills of Helmets purchased by .........................Police in last 10 years.
4) Please provide me the certified copies of datails of Law/ Act/ Rule that ---gives permission and Power to Police Officer to wear the Police Dress and drive vehicle without  wearing the Helmat.
5) Please certified copies of Law/Act/Rule that gives Exemption to operate Police vehicles without proper Insurance and Pollution Certificate. Is there any separate provision for Common Citizen and Police Person in this regard....??????????
Please ensure to provide me the Honest information of all Police vehicles owned by Police department of ...........................District as soon as possible in larger Public Interest.

Enclosures: IPO worth Rupees .........only
Date:                                                                                                                    Regard's


Saturday, 5 January 2013

Police Complaint Authority in India